The Music
To Make It Plain And Simple, Our Music Library Is Extensive!
We Have An Unlimited Selection Of Music For Any Type Of Occasion.
We understand that having the right music for your party or other event,
is very important to you and your guests.
We think you will be impressed with our very large music library, which includes the following categories:
Big Band, Swing, Oldies, Motown, Disco, Polkas, Top 40 Dance, R & B, Rap, Light Rock, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Modern Rock, Alternative, Movie Soundtracks, Reggae, Jazz, Country, Classical, Gospel, Contemporary Christian, and Audience participation songs are Available For Your Selection!
Every Song You See In Our Music Database, We Have With Us.
Do we have all the latest songs? Well, the answer is yes.
We receive all the latest music from a number of sources.
We acquire all this latest music on a monthly basis which
gives us all the current hits on the Billboard Hot 100 Charts.
These songs are also edited for radio play so that we can play them for all ages and most types of events.
Use our Music Search tool below to search our massive music database!